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Work With Me

“I don’t know what’s going on but my space just doesn’t feel like me.”


“It seems I can never get organized, there’s just always too much stuff!”


“I don’t need help organizing my basement, what I really need is someone to sit with me while I confront the loss of my husband.” 



If any of these statements resonated with you, then the 8th Space might be a great fit! 


The 8th Space is here to offer compassionate services and packages to fit you and your space needs. 


The number eight is a symbol of regeneration and material assets. The number signifies we have infinite amounts of possibilities and resources if we can first: work with what we have and then go from there.

We offer three packages and a range of services that lets you decide how deep you want to dive into this work. (see packages tab for more information). Our services include but are not limited to:


  • Moving Support

  • Basement Clean Outs

  • Transition support (helping children transition into your new space after separation or divorce, clearing spaces after loss and more)

  • Design, Organizing and Decluttering of space(s)

  • Virtual DIY Packages

  • Virtual Sessions on space & buying less 

  • Gift certificates and more!

This is how our work will begin for most in person and virtual packages.

  1. Consult and Fittingness: The first step in the process is a 30 minute consult (free) to make sure we are a good fit and to learn more about your space. 

  2. Proposal/Invoice: Next, you will receive a proposal that includes a contract and invoice if we decide to work together. 

  3. First Session: After receiving the first payment we will meet either in person or virtually to begin working with your space!

Our homes are tied to our intersectional histories of class, privilege, race, grief, colonialism, ableism, our bodies, gender and ultimately stories we carry with us. What is clear to me is this work is not just about decluttering but ultimately our relationship to the earth and our relationship to stuff that brings up the healing work that is ours to do. My deepest desire is this work assists in building spaces & communities that divest from messages of more is better, design is expensive & disposable and ownership is the ultimate goal. As a part of this commitment a portion of all income received goes towards organizations working with the unhoused, BIPOC led organizations, and Indigenous leaders working towards clean water and land preservation.

How much does this cost? Most services will be offered on a sliding scale or payment plan to fit your budget needs. Most one-on-one sessions start at $60 for 1 hour sessions. Packages range from $150-$500 depending on the needs and size of space. Please see the services and packages tab for more information or contact me (insert hyper links for these tabs -services, packages and contact).


How long will our sessions be? Depending on the type of service and work required each session will be 1-2 hours in length. On average a small to medium sized space usually takes 4 hours and can range between 1-3 sessions. 


How much work is required of me? It's up to you! On average every organizational + design package requires at least one hour (for consultation) + two hours for initial sorting. If you are unable to meet at the time my work begins in your home, we can schedule pre calls via facetime or by phone. Willing to work with you!


I’m really not looking to deep dive in this work, can you just come and organize my space? Absolutely! The packages offered range from light to expansive holding. In other words, if you want someone to organize your closet, then that is what I can do! If you want someone to sift through the memories of yore that will require more energy + time on my part and therefore more of a financial commitment I can do that too.


I don’t see a service listed. How do I request my desired service? Great question. Simply go to the contact page and submit a request. In the “Reason for contact” field list, “Request for service unlisted” and then describe the service you are needing.


I don’t need help with design or organization but I would love to spread the organizational joy for someone I love and/or support your organization. How do I do that? Great! Simply go to services to purchase a gift certificate for your loved one! 


How do you hold space for people? I use a variety of meditation and breathwork techniques to start our time together. As a trained ritualist I use my background of experiences to honor your religious and spiritual background. I cater the experience to where you are and what your needs are right now. 


What COVID precautions are you taking? I am currently fully vaccinated and wear a mask at all times when entering a home. Depending on the comfortability of both parties this can be negotiated. If any symptoms occur prior to our in person visit I will notify all parties and reschedule for a later time.

How It Works
My Commitments
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